Foot and Ankle Deformities and PSI
Course of 11/12 April 2024
🎓  Our Foot & Ankle deformities & PSI course has ended up today.
We have achieved a new milestone in our medical education program.
The attendees had the chance to test this new course format, where they had the opportunity to practice on anatomical specimens with deformities.
An advanced course that demonstrates our ambition to support surgeons beyond the Newclip experience.
For this unique workshop, our patient-matched cutting guides were tailored to address the anatomical specimens’ pathologies. Additionally, 3D-printed pathological bones were provided to allow participants to practice corrective procedures in a different way.
Using patient-matched cutting guides allows a personalized approach for each surgery, tailored to the individual patient’s needs and the surgeon’s preferred techniques. Our dedicated PSI team ensures a smooth process and support throughout the surgical planning.
Thanks to all participants for joining us, we hope you enjoyed this course!
A warm thanks to our 3 experts Dr Yves Tourné (France), Dr Karan Malhotra (Royaume-Uni) et le Dr Christian Plaab (Allemagne) for sharing their expertise during this course.