Hand procedures and surgical techniques.
Our product range offers a number of high-quality, varied and customizable solutions to treat a very broad range of pathologies.
Among these solutions, we offer a range of screws for hand surgery, and in particular for fractures of the carpal bones, metacarpals and phalanges. A range of single-use knives designed for soft tissue surgery has also been developed, allowing rapid patient care. These minimally invasive knives are perfectly suited for busy outpatient surgical departments.
Our goal is to meet the specific needs of practitioners and facilitate their daily practice.

The range of Kemis knives offers a versatile solution designed to treat a number of pathologies affecting the soft tissues.
Handmotion Screw
The Handmotion range offers self-compressive cannulated screws in several diameters for a solution adapted to hand fractures.

Our INITIAL solutions for the hand.

These single-use instrumentation kits allow the insertion of sterile screws for hand surgery.
Ready when you are !
These single-use instrumentation kits allow the insertion of sterile screws (cannulated or non-cannulated) for hand surgery.
Ready when you are !