Upper Limb.

Our solutions for the clavicle, shoulder, elbow, and wrist.


Alians Clavicle S

The Alians Clavicle S range offers a range of latest-generation anatomical plates to treat simple and complex clavicle fractures.

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Alians Proximal Humerus

The Alians Proximal Humerus range offers a range of latest-generation anatomical plates, specially designed to stabilize humeral head fractures.

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Alians Elbow S

Alians Elbow S

The Alians Elbow S range offers a complete range of anatomical plates to treat elbow fractures, ranging from the simplest to the most complex cases.

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Alians Ulna 3/3

The Alians Ulna 3/3 range offers a complete system of plates and cutting guides designed for performing distal ulna shortening osteotomies.

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Alians Forearm

Alians Forearm

Alians Forearm offers plates designed to stabilize all types of fractures or osteotomies affecting the ulna or radius in the diaphyseal parts.

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Xpert Wrist

Xpert Wrist is a complete range of anatomical implants designed for the reduction and treatment of intra- or extra-articular wrist fractures and malunions, from the simplest to the most complex.

It integrates screw, peg, cannulated screw and locked pin technologies as well as a wide variety of instruments, in order to ensure solid fixation and support the surgical procedure.

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The range of Kemis knives offers a versatile solution designed to treat a number of pathologies affecting the soft tissues.

Handmotion Screw

The Handmotion range offers self-compressive cannulated screws in several diameters for a solution adapted to hand fractures.

Our INITIAL solutions.

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The purpose of this information is to present the Newclip Technics range of medical devices. These products must be handled and/or implanted by trained and qualified personnel who have read the instructions for use. The surgeon remains responsible for his or her own professional and clinical judgement prior to the use of specific products on a given patient.