The implants in the Activ Fuse range are designed for ankle bone reconstruction in adults, including the fixation of fractures and arthrodesis of the ankle, distal tibia, talus, and calcaneus.
Activ Fuse allows a tibiotalar (TT) or tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) ankle arthrodesis to be performed using various approaches during primary or reconstructive surgery.
Activ Fuse offers a complete range of plates and screws for non-conservative ankle treatment.
The associated instrumentation allows the placement of plates and screws for a standard or reduced approach.
Etude de cas : Anterolateral construct for TTC fusion.
Solutions for ankle arthrodesis.

There are two standard designs in the range of anterior approach ankle arthrodesis plates adapted to the anatomical variability of the talar neck. A short plate has been added to this range for a less invasive approach to arthrodesis.
Each of the anterior plates has two trans-articular screws allowing a TT or TTC arthrodesis to be performed. These two trans-articular screws passing through the plate allow compression of the fusion site and stiffening of the arthrodesis.

For a reduced approach, a narrow anterior plate has been developed, equipped with a locked oblong hole allowing compression of the arthrodesis site up to 2.5 mm thanks to the screw/plate interface. This plate is used with two crossed screws through the joint, which are essential to reinforce support of the arthrodesis.
Refer to the compression screws in the Activ Screw range (Ø6.5 mm) for more information.

The range of anterolateral approach ankle arthrodesis plates has been designed to preserve the
fibula, where possible, thanks to its lateralized approach. Two sizes have been developed to adapt to several anatomies.
Each of the anterolateral plates has:
- 5 distal holes to maximize the fixation possibilities in the talus
- Two transarticular screws to perform a TT or TTC arthrodesis. These two trans-articular screws passing through the plate allow compression of the fusion site and stiffening of the arthrodesis.
An optional extension plate also provides lateral support for the anterolateral approach. Its use makes it possible to stiffen the TTC arthrodesis site when the primary stability is deemed insufficient by the surgeon.

The range of posterior approach ankle arthrodesis plates has been designed to adapt to the anatomical variabilities of the posterior malleolus.
Two types of plates have been designed:
- A standard plate and a straight plate allowing for TTC arthrodesis thanks to the orientation of the transarticular screw hole.
- A plate with three locked holes in the talus allowing TT arthrodesis.
Each of the posterior plates has a transarticular screw allowing a TT or TTC arthrodesis to be performed. This transarticular screw passing through the plate allows compression of the fusion site.

The key features of the Activ Fuse range.
- A complete range of locked plates for performing TT or TTC arthrodesis
- An optional lateral extension to consolidate the initial construct, if necessary, thanks to its anchoring in the calcaneus.
- A single screw diameter of Ø4.0 mm: locking and non-locking
- Two types of transarticular screws for TT and TTC arthrodesis: partially threaded compression screws for a lag effect and fully threaded positioning screws to increase stability
- Available in sterile (single packaging) and non-sterile (within the instrumentation kit) versions