Alians Elbow S

Your implants solution for traumatic elbow surgeries.

The implants in the Alians Elbow S range are designed for the fixation of fractures and osteotomies of the distal humerus and proximal ulna in adults.

Elbow fractures are a demanding challenge; they are difficult to treat due to the surrounding soft tissues. The most common causes of these fractures include falls in older people with osteoporosis and high-energy injuries in the young.

Intra-articular fractures require stable joint reconstruction, which can be particularly challenging in elderly patients suffering from osteoporosis. In recent years, dual-plate reduction (180° parallel or 90° perpendicular construct) has become the treatment of choice for the reduction of distal humeral fractures, to simultaneously support the medial and lateral columns. The latest generations of locked anatomical plates improve primary stability and provide better control of reduction, facilitating early return to activity.

To reduce extra-articular fractures, “Y” plates are an alternative to the bi-plate construct, while ensuring both columns are stabilized.

Treating olecranon fractures requires a stable anatomical reduction, respecting the soft tissues and maintaining the extensor apparatus to allow rapid mobilization. These fractures can be simple or complex, isolated or concomitant with a fracture of the distal humerus.

Optimizing the management of elbow fractures and osteotomies
with a complete range of plates.


To address intra-articular fractures with a perpendicular (90°) construct, combine:

  • Medial plate (symmetrical, 4 sizes)
  • Medial positioning
  • Medio-lateral orientation of distal screws
  • Posterolateral plate (asymmetrical, 5 sizes) with removable lateral extension to reinforce the construct and support the lateral column:
    • Dorsal positioning
    • Posteroanterior and lateromedial orientation of distal screws
  • To address intra-articular fractures with a parallel (180°) construct, combine:
    • Medial plate (symmetrical, 4 sizes)
    • Medial positioning
    • Medio-lateral orientation of distal screws
  • Lateral plate (asymmetrical, 5 sizes)
  • Lateral positioning
  • Lateromedial orientation of distal screws

The Y-plates in our Alians Elbow S range (asymmetrical, 3 sizes) have been designed to address supracondylar (or extra-articular) fractures, while maintaining support for the medial and lateral columns. The medial distal branch is removable if the patient’s anatomy requires it.


The Alians Elbow S range also includes different plates designed to treat simple and complex olecranon fractures:

  • Standard plates
    • A symmetrical narrow plate (1 size)
    • Asymmetrical plates (3 sizes)
    • Each plate is equipped with hooks which fit into the olecranon mass
  • Complex fracture plates
    • A symmetrical plate (1 size)
    • An asymmetrical plate (1 size)
    • These plates have 2 polyaxial holes at the tip of the olecranon to reach the extra-proximal fragments
  • All these plates are equipped with a transfixation screw, oriented towards the base of the coronoid and crossing the fracture site, in order to improve the stability of the construct and create compression. The width and thickness of these implants are minimized at the tip of the olecranon to reduce the risk of irritating the surrounding soft tissues and allow for better anatomical adaptation. They have also been specifically designed to fit the epiphyseal-diaphyseal curve of the olecranon

Why choose the Alians Elbow S range?

  • A complete range designed for the reduction of simple and complex fractures, as well as elbow osteotomies
  • A choice of plates to meet different surgical philosophies and allow all types of constructs (Y, 90°, 180°)
  • Plates with an anatomical profile that fits the structure of the joint
  • Patented Dualtec System® polyaxial locking system to prevent conflict with other plates
  • Dedicated instrumentation to guide the transolecranon approach

ONE is our patient-matched cutting guides solution to support you in the 2D and 3D planning of your surgeries and the realization of your osteotomies. The manufacture of our patient-matched cutting guides is the result of close collaboration between surgeons and Newclip Technics, to best meet surgical needs and support surgeons in every gesture. These solutions are developed on the basis of clinical imaging data to optimize anatomical congruence between material and bone tissue.

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The purpose of this information is to present the Newclip Technics range of medical devices. These products must be handled and/or implanted by trained and qualified personnel who have read the instructions for use. The surgeon remains responsible for his or her own professional and clinical judgement prior to the use of specific products on a given patient.